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Integrate Your Monitoring System With PagerDuty Using Events API V2

· 3 min read
Hrishikesh Barua


PagerDuty's Events API V2 lets you push events from your monitoring systems to PagerDuty. You can push such events when an incident is triggered, updated, or resolved.

Incident Lifecycle

The lifecycle of an incident will typically go through these states:

StateTriggered BySource
TriggeredAutomaticMonitoring system
AcknowledgedOn-call EngineerPagerDuty app/Phone call
UpdatedAutomaticMonitoring system
ResolvedOn-call EngineerPagerDuty app/Phone call

You can use any of the PagerDuty client SDKs to send events or roll out your own.

PagerDuty Integration

Many self-hosted and SaaS monitoring tools have inbuilt PagerDuty integration. This involves getting a PagerDuty API key and add it to your monitoring tool's configuration.

How To Get a PagerDuty Integration Key

You can generate a PagerDuty integration key from your PagerDuty account. You can follow these steps to get the API key.

Integrating With the PagerDuty API

A typical event push will look look like this (example in NodeJS):

import { event } from "@pagerduty/pdjs";

"data": {
"routing_key": "Your-Routing-Key-Here",
"event_action": "trigger",
"dedup_key": DEDUP_KEY,
"payload": {
"summary": "Event processor in us-east-1",
"source": "",
"severity": "critical",
"timestamp": "2024-07-17T08:42:58.315+0000",
"links": [
"href": "",
"text": "Go to dashboard",

When your monitoring system sends this event to trigger an incident, it's important to have a unique DEDUP_KEY. This field determines whether subsequent events for this incident will be grouped together in PagerDuty. When your system sends an update, or a resolved event, the DEDUP_KEY must match the one sent during the trigger call. In other words, the DEDUP_KEY must be unique per incident.

IncidentHub integrates with PagerDuty and uses the incident's public URL as the DEDUP_KEY as that is unique globally, and also remains the same for an incident. Each incident update event has the same DEDUP_KEY.

If you are integrating PagerDuty with some other monitoring system, the same rules apply. Make sure that you use an identifier that is unique in your system for the DEDUP_KEY value.

Let us look at a Google Cloud example. An incident affecting Anthos Service Mesh in Nov 2023 went through 4 updates including trigger and resolve. The URL remained the same for the incident as it went through the lifecycle.

Google cloud incident lifecycle


Integrating with the PagerDuty API is straightforward. While integrating make sure you keep these things in mind:

  • Map your monitoring system's alert priorities to the appropriate PagerDuty levels.
  • Use the correct DEDUP_KEY for each case.
  • Provide additional details about the incident using the custom fields. E.g. in the example above, you can provide more information about the incident using a custom link pointing to the dashboard.
