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8 posts tagged with "ops"

IncidentHub posts related to ops

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Integrate Incident Alerts Into Your Slack Workspace

· 4 min read
Hrishikesh Barua


Staying on top of your third-party Cloud and SaaS service outages is crucial to maintain the reliability of your own applications. Like many modern teams, Slack might be your communication tool of choice. You can keep up with such incidents by pushing these events to a Slack channel.

There are different ways of pushing incident events to Slack. In this article we will explore how to integrate IncidentHub incident lifecycle events using an incoming webhook. An incoming webhook can be used to send incident trigger, update, and resolve events to a specific Slack channel.

Note that IncidentHub also has an option to integrate with custom webhooks, which is different from Slack's webhooks. If you are using Slack, choose the Slack option. For a custom webhook server, choose the Webhook option. The format of the Slack webhook payload is different from that of the Slack webhook.

Slack Incoming Webhook Configuration

You must have the correct permissions on your Slack workspace to be able to do this.

Follow these steps to configure an incoming webhook in your Slack workspace.

How To Monitor Public Status Pages of Cloud Providers - a Step-by-Step Approach

· 8 min read
Hrishikesh Barua


Incident updates on the public status pages of your cloud providers are often the first indication that they might have an outage. Providers also post updates about upcoming and ongoing maintenance on their status pages. Thus, monitoring your cloud status pages becomes crucial to your business operations. This article will guide you through the process of effectively monitoring such status pages.

Identify Your Cloud Providers

Work with your Dev/Ops/SRE and IT teams to come up with a comprehensive list of your cloud providers. Any service that is not managed by your teams is by definition a cloud service. Although we focus on Cloud providers - i.e. providers that let you deploy your services on their infrastructure - this article is equally applicable to any of your external SaaS vendors.

Integrate Incident Alerts With Discord Using Webhooks

· 4 min read
Hrishikesh Barua


Staying on top of your third-party Cloud and SaaS service outages is crucial to maintain the reliability of your own applications. If Discord is your communication tool of choice, you can keep up with such incidents by pushing these events to a Discord channel.

Discord webhooks allow external applications to send messages to specific channels within a Discord server. This article describes how to integrate Discord as a channel in your IncidentHub account using webhooks.

Note that IncidentHub also has an option to integrate with custom webhooks, which is different from Discord's webhooks. If you are using Discord, choose the Discord option. For a custom webhook server, choose the Webhook option.

Discord Server Webhook Configuration

You must have the correct permissions on your Discord server to be able to do this.

When Alerts Don't Mean Downtime - Preventing SRE Fatigue

· 3 min read
Hrishikesh Barua


A recent question in an SRE forum triggered this train of thought.

How do I deal with alerts that are triggered by internal patching/release activities but don't actually cause a downtime? If we react to these alerts we might not have time to react to actual alerts that are affecting customers.

I've paraphrased the question to reflect its essence. There is plenty to unravel here.

My first reaction to this question was that the SRE who posted this is in a difficult place with systemic issues.

Systemic Issues

Without knowing more about the org and their alerting policies, let's look at what we can dig out based on this question alone

Incident Archaeology – Dig Into Your Services' Past With IncidentHub's Availability Page

· 3 min read
Hrishikesh Barua

A few weeks ago we released a feature on IncidentHub which gives you a historical view of your monitored services' availability.

Why Was This Needed?

On the dashboard where you can add services and channels, there is an overview panel that shows total incidents in the last 24 hours. You can get into a more detailed view by clicking on the button next to it. This opens up a popup where you can see active and resolved incidents - in the last 24 hours - and filter them by service.

View Incidents Popup

This panel is good enough for a quick view on what's affecting your dependent services. However, sometimes there is a need to look back further. This is what the Availability page gives you - an overview of service health over the last 30 days.

Let's look at a few examples:

Monitoring Specific Components and Regions in Your Third-Party Services

· 3 min read
Hrishikesh Barua

Chances are, most of your third-party cloud and SaaS dependencies are globally distributed and have many regions of operation. Chances are, your applications use a subset of a cloud or SaaS service. If you are monitoring such a service, why should you receive alerts for all regions or every single component in the service?

E.g. if you use Digital Ocean, you might be using Kubernetes in their US locations (NYC and SFO). You would want to know only when there is an outage in one of these locations. Digital Ocean's status page gives you the option to subscribe to outages across the board - it’s all or nothing. This is the case with most services with a few exceptions.

Choosing Specific Components to Monitor

You can now choose which components/regions you wish to monitor in IncidentHub. Let us continue with our Digital Ocean example.

You can choose to monitor all components:

Integrate Your Monitoring System With PagerDuty Using Events API V2

· 4 min read
Hrishikesh Barua


PagerDuty's Events API V2 lets you push events from your monitoring systems to PagerDuty. You can send such events when an incident is triggered, updated, or resolved. This article is a short guide on the different options to integrate PagerDuty with your monitoring and alerting systems.

Lifecycle of an Incident

If you are using PagerDuty for on-call management, an incident will typically go through these states:

StateTriggered BySource
TriggeredAutomaticMonitoring system
AcknowledgedOn-call EngineerPagerDuty app/Phone call
UpdatedAutomaticMonitoring system
ResolvedOn-call EngineerPagerDuty app/Phone call

Monitoring Third Party Vendors as an Ops Engineer/SRE

· 3 min read
Hrishikesh Barua

Why should you monitor your third-party Cloud and SaaS vendors if you are in SRE/Ops?

As part of an SRE team, your primary responsibility is ensuring the reliability of your applications. What makes you responsible for monitoring services that you don't even manage? Third-party services are just like yours - with SLAs. And outages happen, affecting you as well as many others who depend on them.

It's a no-brainer that you should know when such outages happen to be on top of things if/when it affects your running applications.

Most of your third party dependencies will have a public status page or a Twitter account where they publish updates on their outages. Here are some seemingly easy ways to monitor these pages

  • Subscribe to the RSS feed of these pages
  • Follow the Twitter account
  • Sign up for Slack, Email, SMS notifications on the status page itself if the page supports these