The No-Nonsense Guide to Runbook Best Practices
Runbooks are a key part of incident management and preserve institutional knowledge. They can be used for both incident response as well as routine tasks like db maintenance and generating a complex report. We are mostly focused on incident response runbooks here.
- Introduction
- Best Practices
- Conclusion
- FAQs

Best Practices
1. Runbook Structure
- Establish a standard format that will be used across your organization. This will ensure consistency and help on-call folks to quickly figure out the steps even for runbooks they may not have seen before. It will also help in editing and maintaining the runbooks.
- Get buy-in from your team on the decided format. If you don't have buy-in people might not want to maintain or use them.
- Create the runbooks as decision trees. You don't need a visual guide here but include it if it's easy to create. Don't have too many branches in the tree - that will cause confusion. If you find yourself adding